PALMS Published Papers in Cloud Computing
- Tianwei Zhang, Yinqian Zhang and Ruby B. Lee, "CloudRadar: A Real-Time Side-Channel Attack Detection System in Clouds," Research in Attacks, Intrusion and Defense, Sept. 2016
- Tianwei Zhang and Ruby B. Lee " Monitoring and Attestation of Virtual Machine Security Health in Cloud Computing". IEEE Micro Special Issues on Security, Volume 36, Issue 5, 2016
- Tianwei Zhang, Yinqian Zhang and Ruby B. Lee, "Memory DoS Attacks in Multi-tenant Clouds: Severity and Mitigation," arXiv preprint 1603.03404v2, March 2016.
- Tianwei Zhang and Ruby B. Lee, " CloudMonatt: an Architecture for Security Health Monitoring and Attestation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing". In ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 2015.
- Jakub Szefer and Ruby B. Lee, "Hardware-Enhanced Security for Cloud," Secure Cloud Computing , Springer, Berlin, p.57-76, 2014
- Jakub Szefer, Pramod Jamkhedkar, Diego Perez-Botero, and Ruby B. Lee, " Cyber Defenses for Physical Attacks and Insider Threats in Cloud", ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), May 2014.
- Pramod Jamkhedkar, Jakub Szefer, Diego Perez-Botero, Tianwei Zhang, Gina Triolo and Ruby B. Lee, " A Framework for Realizing Security on Demand in Cloud Computing", in IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Dec 2013.
- Jakub Szefer, "Architectures for Secure Cloud Computing Servers," PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering Department, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (2013)
- Diego Perez-Botero, "Pwnetizer: Improving Availability in Cloud Computing Through Fast Cloning and I/O Randomization," MSE Thesis, Computer Science Department Department, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 2013.
- Diego Perez-Botero, Jakub Szefer and Ruby B. Lee, "Characterizing Hypervisor Vulnerabilities in Cloud Computing Servers," in Proceedings of the Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing (SCC), May 2013.
- Jakub Szefer and Ruby B. Lee, "BitDeposit: Deterring Attacks and Abuses of Cloud Computing Services Through Economic Measures," in Proceedings of the Workshop on Assured Cloud Computing (ACC), May 2013.
- Jakub Szefer and Ruby B. Lee, "Architectural Support for Hypervisor-Secure Virtualization," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), March 3–7, 2012.
- Jakub Szefer, Pramod Jamkhedkar, Yu-Yuan Chen, and Ruby B. Lee, " Physical Attack Protection with Human-Secure Virtualization in Data Centers", Workshop on Open Resilient human-aware Cyber-physical Systems (WORCS), 2012
- Jakub Szefer, Eric Keller, Ruby B. Lee and Jennifer Rexford, "Eliminating the Hypervisor Attack Surface for a More Secure Cloud," to appear in Proceedings of the Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2011), October 2011.
- Jakub Szefer and Ruby B. Lee, "A Case for Hardware Protection of Guest VMs from Compromised Hypervisors in Cloud Computing," in Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing (SPCC), June 20-24, 2011.
- Eric Keller, Jakub Szefer, Jennifer Rexford, and Ruby B. Lee, "NoHype: Virtualized cloud infrastructure without the virtualization," in proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2010), pages 350-357, June 2010.